I was on the phone with my brother Mike this morning...that's him on the left- he's a bishop in an Apistolic church in Florida these days- and I got to thinking about the three of us, and how different our lives have been and become over the years. Mike, the middle kid, was a jock in high school; he was on Clearview High School's State Championship basketball team back in '74. I was a student at Clearview at the same time, Class of '74, setting a long-standing record for suspensions.(btw, I'm in the middle, wearing my beloved Vampirella t-shirt.)
Philip (far right) is the youngest, and his thing was music, and getting into almost as much trouble in school as I did.
Now, we're all married, with kids....Phil's gone back to school, I'm a fundamentalist Christian, a conservative, and a registered Republican, and Mike has a church, a food and clothing ministry, and a grandson turning a year old at the end of the week.
I wonder what Ma would say about it all....
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